Ry Wittmore

What is your hometown?

Chesterfield, Virginia

What is your current location?

Los Angeles, California

Who are your favorite musical artists?

Green Day, Curtis Mayfield, Kanye West

What is your go to karaoke song?

Poison by Brent Faiyaz

What is an interesting fun fact about you?

I am addicted to working out.


Hailing from Virginia, Ry Wittmore is a genre-blending lo-fi artist who’s big fun-loving personality shines through his songwriting. Growing up in Chesterfield, his life has consisted of music, skateboarding, and not much else. For Ry, “music was the only thing that made sense.”

Starting in middle school, he played trumpet in a few Ska bands and joined a garage punk band that never quite left the garage. Unfortunately, music created tension in his household early on as his parents didn’t see it as a viable career path. He was deterred from diving deep. However, after attending college, his world expanded and he was allowed to truly step into his artistry. Living near Virginia Beach at that time, Ry would frequent open mics and perform for parties where he met some of the creatives he works with to this day.

Ry’s music continues to evolve but he always focuses on melodic songwriting and blending in his wide breadth of musical influences. In 2023, he prepares for the release of his debut EP HI RY, due out 4/20. The EP projects a positive and energetic tone that’s perfect for starting off your day; Ry notes “We’re energy pushers.”

The young creative says he wants to “show the world that good people and good intentions still make things shake. There’s no big difference between me and the next artist, I just personally want this for me. I decided this is what I’m going to do with my life.”