Kurtis Simmons

What is your hometown?

Galesburg, IL

What is your current location?

Los Angeles, CA 

Who are your favorite musical artists?

Harry Styles - I’m slightly obsessed, Brandi Carlile, Miguel, Sampha, Fink, George Michael

What is your go to karaoke song?

Lady by Styx 

What is an interesting fun fact about you?

I have been elected to public office - while going to community college, I ran & won the office of Village Clerk of the Village of Henderson. I believe 22 votes were cast in the community of approx 300, and I received 21 of the 22. How about that for a landslide? But wait, who was it that didn’t vote for me??

Kurtis Simmons was born & raised in the middle, a small town in central Illinois. His love of pop music reaches back to his early youth when his mother recorded in his baby book that the first song he sang was D’yer Mak'er by Led Zeppelin. That probably said it all.

He calls his music “unabashedly pop” with influences ranging from 70’s rock to disco to 80’s pop & soul. A gay artist himself, he is excited to see the way that the music industry has started to embrace out gay, lesbian, trans artists today in a way that they’ve never been accepted before.